The Anti-Fundraiser Fundraiser!
The MHS PTSA is (always) raising funds for the 2018 AfterProm. The PTSA spends roughly $10,000 each year on this event (food, drinks, entertainment, prizes, venue, staff, security, etc...) and we need help! So, let us know what you think about anti-fundraising:
$15 I do not want to bake, so here is the money I would have spent on those cupcakes.
$25 I do not want to hit up friends, family, and co-workers. So here is the money I would have spent buying wrapping paper.
$50 I do not want to walk, bike, or run in any activity that has “thon” in it. Here is the money I would have spent on my child’s “free” t-shirt.
$75 I don’t want to attend any fancy balls, so here is the money I would have spent on a new outfit.
$100 Here is $100 to forget my name. (Although we can't make any promises on this one!)
I am making this donation to express my appreciation for having nothing to buy, sell, or do except fill out this form.
All kidding aside, we appreciate anything you might be able to contribute, and it's tax deductible.
Please return your contribution to
MHS PTSA After Prom Committee
275 Menchville Road
Newport News, VA 23602